Thank you, Emma!

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Thank you for reading what I shared, Carole.

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Me, you, every human is little compared to Almighty God, who created everything and everyone. A humbling thought, yet so very beautiful. He is awesome. Love and hugs to you, dear friend. ❤️💕❤️

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I understand your feelings.💙💙💙

Several years ago a black bird flew into our living room window (death room window?). I didn’t realize what had happened until I went out the front door, saw him, and nats were on him. I was shocked! I gently wrapped him in swaddling cloth and buried him, fearing a feral cat would destroy him. The Bible says not even one sparrow falls to the ground without Jesus knowing it and He loves the birds but He loves us so much more because God came in the flesh to give us the good news, then He voluntarily took the sins of all people on Himself, died, rose from the dead, paying for our sin-debt, if we ask Him. After he rose , He walked through walls , spoke to His disciples and 500 witnesses, before He rose back to heaven while His disciples watched! He told them to spread the Gospel…be wise as serpents and harmless as DOVES.

God loves you and me! He has given you so many talents! Thank you for sharing your beautiful talents with the world and little me.

Your friend, Janice 💕❤️💕

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Thank you, Janice for sharing your beautiful, deep heart. That, and you, are not little at all.

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What a gift. Thank you for sharing the experience.

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Thank you for reading about it, Crystal Marie.

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