Lovely Emma-

i listened intently and listened again. It is such an exquisite way to express and visualize our history of memories. Mine too is a very full library from a long and blessed life. Thank you for sharing and reading your work with us.

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Thank you, Dana, I'm so glad this poem spoke to you.

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my dear emma.......i can't begin to tell you how much this poem speaks to me. at my tender age of now 87 i have found myself lately reflecting back on my life and remembering. it's been a journey filled with joy and pain and yes, silliness, and so much more. thank you so much for this very special poem.

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Oh my goodness, Carolyne, I'm so glad that poem spoke to you so deeply. You have lived such a deep, rich life in your 87 years...I'm so grateful that our paths crossed when they did and I have gotten to know your beautiful heart and soul through our shared love of poetry, stitching, art and spiritual seeking. Big hugs to you, my friend.

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