Very wonderful. Emma. Your poem resonates with me. There’s lots of good comparisons.

I think I got burnt out on my stitching and ALL art making. So, I’m taking a sabbatical. Now I’m binge reading clean mysteries/suspense by Christian authors. Fun to figure out the puzzle. Best wishes to you. ❤️

Janice R

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Thank you so much, Janice. I love that you are taking a sabbatical from art making and trusting that is what you need right now. I just came off of a long sabbatical with tactile art making including stitching that lasted about two years. I've been learning about the Japanese practice/concept called Ma" that is a deep pause...that is what mine felt like as I felt my perspective shifting and new energies integrating within me that would eventually emerge within a desire to create tactile art again. These creative journeys are always full of surprises aren't they? Wishing you fulfilling wanderings, wherever they take you.

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Thank you, Emma. Best wishes!

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